Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Group Meetings

 Week Six: Under Pressure

I worked with some lovely people this morning to discuss any issues or concerns we had with our projects. It's funny how much you can resolve by simply asking for advice. My biggest problem was scheduling and the bike scene. One of the girls, Hannah, said that she faced the same problem due to daylights savings time and she said that she adjusted her film to fit any scheduling problems. Hannah also recommended that we make a schedule on Canva, which I liked a lot and I will do. 
 I also learned that Vane is doing a coming of age film with similar LGBTQIA+ elements, it's called Scrambled and it is adorable. Gianna Gomez, our lead actress is going out of town, time to call for a backup? I don't know. 

A photo of my lovely helpers!

In regards to the biking scene, I learned that you can stabilize when you edit OR we can switch to a car scene if we want. Both are suitable options. I'm still hoping to film either Thursday or Friday. I am starting to feel a lot of pressure surrounding this project. There are no issues, just scheduling conflicts.

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My Creative Critical Reflection

 Week Nine: The End is Near This is not my baby, but this video encapsulates me! You can also rewatch the opening here if you would like :) ...