Saturday, March 5, 2022

Please Don't Have Trust Issues

Week Four: Character Development and Storyboard

Ironically, I titled my last blog post "Keeping my Promises," yet didn't keep my promise on the storyboard. Again, I want to work with Hannah on it in person, but we have pushed it off long enough. We planned to do it on Thursday, but we didn't look at the syllabus (Our Fault), and we had to write an essay that day. So! Hannah and I talked about it and planned it out.
I'm going to sketch it out tomorrow, and we will finalize everything on Monday. 


I love it, but here are some issues we are encountering:
1) How do we make this opening NOT a montage?
2) How do we make the opening flow?
3) How do we give detail but not reveal everything?

I call the following information "Gianna is SO Indecisive!"

Gianna is SO Indecisive


Girl taking a BuzzFeed quiz with each question answered has a memory, a scene listed in the outline.
Sets the film up as LGBTQIA+ based. 

Seems like a short film rather than an opening.


Flow similar to the Waves movie opening, going from scene to scene, removing Buzzfeed quizzes, and everything else remains the same.
I am having trouble finding a pro to this option.

- Seems like a montage/gives everything away.
- Takes many resources and locations.


Swinging on swings, car jamming, dancing, arrive home, lay in bed, girl one brushes the other girl's hair behind her ear, and "It's Complicated" is shown. Each scene heightens intimacy (I.E., Camera shots get tighter).
I really like this option. It removes the cons of the previous two.

Not really a con BUT is something missing?


SAME as Option three, but before the title is shown, the shot freezes, and one of the girls gets up and says something along the lines of "Ah, shit!," breaking the fourth wall. 
I really like this option. 

No cons. Is the tiny bit of dialogue the "something missing" from option three?

I keep repeating to myself, "2+2 but not 4," option 3 and 4 seem to be "2+2" rather than "4," but the small detail at the end will require Hannah's opinion. For my visual readers, I will provide some sketches tomorrow. I am going to sleep on it. Good night!

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My Creative Critical Reflection

 Week Nine: The End is Near This is not my baby, but this video encapsulates me! You can also rewatch the opening here if you would like :) ...